The Briefcase


The Briefcase is a reactive/interactive installation piece about surveillance.

It consists of a briefcase filled with documents concerning surveillance. It sits on the floor in the corner of a room open and facing the entrance with a lonely spotlight hanging low over it.

When approached, the light over the briefcase dims and it starts to play a human voice saying "Hey....Hey you....Hey Come here....I've got something to show you." This message repeats as long as someone is present timed in such a way that it is uncannily imploring insetad of merely repetitive. The Briefcase laying on the floor open towards the audience with a voice emanating from it is vaguely reminiscent of a strange music box.

If the papers are touched or the viewer comes extremely close to the briefcase the light changes to red and a disturbing laughing sountrack is heard over the sound system in the room. it was done